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Agenda Austria Activity Report 2023
Agenda Austria Activity Report 2023
The »DONAUINSELPAPERS«, the activity report of the Austrian think tank Agenda Austria for the year 2023, is a real revelation. It brings light into the darkness of this organization that has set itself the goal of "a better future for all people in Austria" (quote from Agenda Austria) but still Is not exclusively seen in a friendly light
Rosebud was responsible for the thoroughly elaborate concept, design, production management and coordination of the high-calibre investigative team.
How it all began (or not) is shown on this immensely informative pinboard, which was the starting point for the extremely complex research endeavors.
That that tells us all we need to know. This explosive photo document shows a row of ancient, mostly snow-white men at the annual general meeting of the »Friends of Agenda Austria«.
They say, beat your opponent with his own weapons. It is well known that Agenda Austria will use any means to spread its ideology.
On 9 June 1982, England's feared Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher received the no less notorious US President Ronald Reagan at 10 Downing Street. In the background you can (possibly) recognize the then almost 13-year-old student F. Schellhorn from Salzburg.
Caution is the mother of the china box. Some documents are probably too disturbing even for Agenda Austria and (internal) censorship strikes (Perhaps including the famous sentence that Marie-Antoinette certainly never said.)
Even the founding year of Agenda Austria, officially stated as 2013, is probably not entirely accurate. A presumably (or supposedly) medieval diagram with the slogan »Omnia justa pro nobis et in perpetuum« (English: "Everything just for us and forever") which most likely belongs to Agenda Austria, already points the ideological way to the present.