Rosebud is a design agency for effective surprises with offices in Vienna and Munich.

🕐 First surprise:
Change is here 💨 to stay. In our knowledge society, how you tackle the new and unexpected – the »surprise-ability« – is the decisive factor.

🕑 Second surprise:
Surprises are neither good nor bad, but they’re brilliant teachers 🧙🏼‍♂. That’s their real job: They invite and challenge us to face something new and find original solutions.

🕒 Third surprise:
Good design doesn’t have to be pretty 🦚. It doesn’t need a stylistic signature, and it has nothing to do with good taste. Good design is the right answer to the right question – and it’s not always pleasant.

🕓 Fourth surprise:
Quality is (also) in your hands. You as the client must engage with quality – and we with you. Only then can we arrive at unexpected strategies and ideas for a more profound 🧨 experience of your brand and instill true amazement 🤩 in your customers.

🕔 Fifth surprise:
Effective surprises cost money – and they are worth it. Those looking to save money will find better agencies 🐩 all over the place. If you want lively and effective communication, come to us and be 🎢 surprised.

Get your personal surprise either by post 💌 or directly from us ☕ in Vienna or Munich.


Ralf Herms, Managing Director
Wolfgang Stögmann, Managing Partner

Rosebud Design GmbH
BĂ€uerlegasse, A–1200 Wien
+43 1 535 49 70,
UID: ATU69761625, FN 437329g
Erste Bank, IBAN: AT25 2011 1840 2044 3100, BIC: GIBAATWWXXX

RB Steigenaufgang 1400x2100px
RB Kueche 1400x2100px

Klaus Lintemeier, Managing Partner
Rosebud Munich
Am Waldspitz 1, D-81375 MĂŒnchen
T: +49 89 5787 5365, M: +49 172 544 1262,

RB Innenhofe eingang 1400x2100px
RB Besprechungsraum 1200x1800

Following Rosebud

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Working at Rosebud

At the moment we have a pretty perfect team, but we are always interested in surprising portfolios:

RB shwrm funny 1200x1800px
RB Old Office eagle 1400x2100
RB Konferenzraum in use 1400x2100

Learning at Rosebud

Twice a year we offer six-month internships: from September to February and from March to August: